Good Omens Book Review







Good Omens, is probably the funniest book I have ever read.  I jump at the chance to read anything Neil Gaiman has written.  Both Pratchett and Gaiman are at their best in this 1990 book about the end of time.  Don’t let the publication date fool you, this book is a classic.


Agnes Nutter who is a witch, has prophesized the end of the world and it will be this coming Saturday.  This is a bummer for angel Aziraphale and demon Crowley both have lived with humans since the beginning and they enjoy their life.  They join forces to find a way to stop the Apocalypse or End Times if you will. 


How does the Anti-Christ fit into the picture?  Warlock, the presumed Anti-Christ is just a normal boy who was switched at birth due to a hospital mishap.  Adam, the actual Anti-Christ is having a devil of a time using his powers.


The Four Horsepersons of the Apocalypse have arrived in the form of bikers.  Pestilence, having retired is replaced by Pollution, War is a female war correspondent, Famine is a fast food mogul and a dietician and Death is of course, Death.  Showing up when they do the world is one step away from the end.


Writing comedy is very difficult but Pratchett and Gaiman have the craft down to a science.  This is a book you read over and over again as it never fails not to entertain.  If you need a book to brighten your day, Good Omens is that book.



Work and the Freedom of Speech

Before social media invaded our lives the workplace invaded our freedom of speech.  Some things make sense when it comes to the workplace.  You’re at work after all, so behavior should be work related not soliciting for politicians, religious believes and so forth.  This being said, people do not need to be overly sensitive to what people say.

Social media has exploded on the scene and many of us post all sorts of things on the web.  We can now have our voices heard on whatever topic we want and shout it out to the world with a push of a button.  With this capability the workplace and people we associate with are constantly checking up on what we do for no other reason than to look for trouble.  Employers don’t like when employees express an opinion, this would be fine at work but out of work employers don’t want that opinion to be expressed either.   You put in your time at work, go home to be free to do what you want and when you return to work your employer doesn’t like something posted on social media.  Free time should be free time not owned by the employer 24/7.  People will fight for their gun rights but not for their freedom of speech.